Curriculum vitae of E. Warlamis
Efthimios Warlamis 1942-2016
E. Warlamis (Veria, Greece 1942 - Austria 2016) studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna where he later taught as professor of Architecture from 1974 to 1981. In 1992 he became the Director of the International Center for Art and Design, I.DE.A., which he founded in Schrems, Austria.
Exhibitions and Projects
In 1988 at the Architecture department of the Salzburg Summer Academy he expanded on his work for a natural and humane architecture that takes into account the needs of the children.
The founder of the "Pre-Architecture"
Warlamis is the founder of the "Pre-Architecture" theory and the "School of the Senses" that he presented for the first time at the German Architecture Museum (D.A.M.) in Frankfurt during his painting exhibition "Une cite imaginaire". During his painting exhibition "The end of Atlantis - Architectural Utopias" in Grand Palais, Paris, he supported the necessity of connecting the post industrial society with the organic reality of nature. In 1993 at the Convention Center in New York he turned into an international success the idea of the "Therapeutic Architecture".
The "Art Academy for Children" program
The "Art Academy for Children" program brought in touch with art thousands of children from all over Greece and it was presented as the main attraction at the EXPOLINEA '93 in Gent, Belgium. In 1995 at the request of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patrirch Bartholomew, he illustrated the "Revelation". With his study "The Greek Culture in the European Capitals" he presented the necessity of using the Greek architecture and city planning for the state evolution of the European mega cities.
"Alexander 2000"
His great project "Alexander 2000" which includes more than 1.000 works was presented for the first time in September '97 in Thessaloniki during the city's celebrations as Cultural Capital of Europe and ever since up until today it keeps on touring in museums and galleries around the world.
The "Kunstmuseum Waldviertel"
In 2009 the "Kunstmuseum Waldviertel" in Lower Austria was inaugurated. An art museum that Warlamis himself created and hosts his entire artistic work as well as the experiential approach to Art that he advocates.
"Austrian Grand Cross of Honor for Science and Art"
In December 2009, at the request of the Federal President, Dr. Heinz Fischer, Professor Efthymios Warlamis, the painter, architect, designer, writer and pedagogue, was decorated with the "Austrian Grand Cross of Honor for Science and Art" in recognition of great service to the country he has been living and working for the last 50 years. In recognition of great service to the country he had been living and working for the last 50 years.
In February 2010 his exhibition "POETIC ARCHITECTURE - ARCHITETTURA METAFISICA" opened in Moscow, at the historical premises of the Russian Academy of Fine Arts and his impressive artistic work along the fruitful dialogue he initiated resulted to his nomination as a honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
In March 2010 Prof. E. Warlamis was granted an audience by Pope Benedict XVI in Rome, during which he presented the Holy Father with a large painting (2.00 X 2.00 m) that he created portraying His Holiness. He also handed over to the Holy Father a file containing pictures of more than 60 of his works from the Christ Collection urging His Holiness that these works be shown to the world. In May 2010 the Art and Design University of Clouj, Rumania, awarded him an honorary doctorate in recognition of his total artistic and design work.
"Holy Mountain"
From November 2011 until January 2012 his collection "Holy Mountain" was presented at the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens followed by a presentation in March 2013 at the European Parliament in Brussels and another one later in August that year at Heraclion, Crete.
"Christ in Greece Today"
From March until June 2012 the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki hosted one of his latest creations, the grand collection "Christ in Greece Today".
"St. Paul"
His art collection "St. Paul", an homage to the Apostle of Nations, was first presented in 2013 in the city of Veria, Greece. At request of His All Holiness Pope Benedict XVI the collection was presented in the summer of 2014 at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, in Rome
"The Universe"
In March 2015 his exhibition "The Universe" opened at the Waldviertel Art Museum in Austria and in April of the same year his collection "Picturesque Luxemburg" at the Konschthaus beim Engel in the Great Duchy, was a great success.
In June 2016 his Art Collection "St. PAUL" was presented in the Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki. The same year his last painting collection concerning the Saint Luce the doctor, was inaugurated by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in the Monastery of Panagia Dovra. Prof. Makis Efthymios Warlamis deceased on December 27th, 2016.
Kunstmuseum Waldviertel
Το 2009 εγκαινιάστηκε το Kunstmuseum Waldviertel που δημιούργησε ο ίδιος στην Κάτω Αυστρία και εκεί παρουσίασε το συνολικό καλλιτεχνικό έργο του αλλά και την βιωματική προσέγγιση στην Τέχνη που πρεσβεύει και τον Δεκέμβριο του ίδιου έτους, ο Πρόεδρος της Αυστριακής Δημοκρατίας Dr. Heinz Fischer, του απένειμε τον αυστριακό Σταυρό Τιμής για την Επιστήμη και την Τέχνη, σαν εκτίμηση για τις μεγάλες υπηρεσίες που προσέφερε στην χώρα που ζει και εργάζεται για περισσότερα από 50 χρόνια .